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Our undead gunslinger's next adventure finds him in the town of Varney Flats just as the ominious Night Train rolls into town. This super-deadly adventure even includes a bonus scenario for our Weird Western miniatures battle game: Deadlands: The Great Rail Wars. This Dime Novel is our most famous ever, and launched the writing career of John "Total Party Kill" Goff. Survive this one and you've got...[click here for more] | Pinnacle Entertainment | $2.99
The Merchant War™ is the first supplement for Iron Stars™. Herein you will find much to expand upon the basic Iron Starsgame, including: A detailed history of the Merchant War of 1908-1909 between the United Kingdom and Austria-Hungary;The introduction of fast attack craft and His Majesty's Space Station Celestial Queen;One dozen new ship...[click here for more] | Majestic Twelve Games | $9.99
Southern Front™ is the second supplement for Iron Stars™, the game of space combat in an age of steam and steel. In this book players will find additional game mechanics and background material that extends our semi historical timeline through the pivotal year of 1912: An overview of world history from the close of the Merchant War through the Antarctic crisis;Nearly...[click here for more] | Majestic Twelve Games | $10.99
"The British navy saved the world." King & Kaiser™ is the first scenario book for the second edition of Grand Fleets™. Within these pages, you will find everything you need to fight out the near-run thing that was the Great War at sea. While great armies slogged through the Flanders mud and clashed over a sun-dried patch of Anatolian...[click here for more] | Majestic Twelve Games | $7.99
Charles Grant’s Table Top Teasers have become a regular feature in Battlegames since its inception in 2006, but they have a history which goes much farther back, to their first appearance in Battle for Wargamers in February 1978. In this first special volume of Table Top Teasers, we celebrate that heritage by reproducing the very first Teaser ever, together...[click here for more] | Henry Hyde Limited | $8.50
Dirigibles of Doom is a beer'n'pretzels type game that allows players to duel it out ... very slowly ... in the skies! The game takes a little planning as both momentum and latency of response are key parts of the mechanic. Too aggressive and a midair collision will wipe out you and your enemy. Too conservative and you are a sitting duck. Blimp. Whatever. These book contains: six pages of...[click here for more] | Irrational Number Line Games, LLC | $0.99
Saga of the Death Cult is a supplement for Quick Intermediate Level Skirmish, our free rule set. Players will chase the Eye of Lysagora way through critical events in the history of the Death Cult through the centuries, right up to modern day. Delve into the vaults of ancient empires. Plot against the realm. Recover the artifact from ruins. Struggle against a Medieval robber-king. Put down your...[click here for more] | Irrational Number Line Games, LLC | $1.99
A star has fallen from the night sky... Unfortunately for the locals, this "star" is a spacecraft, and in order to survive and repair its bioship, its occupant has a desparate need ... hemoglobin! The double feature provides a Medieval Scandinavian and a 19th Century Mexican plains version of the adventure, with different terrain, situations, and villagers. The scenarios are...[click here for more] | Irrational Number Line Games, LLC | $1.99
The Siege of Monstral is a dinner-table sized Victorian Science Fiction 28mm skirmish game for three to six players, taking place in the borderlands between three rival nations. The Cinnabarians and Celadonians have long been, well, shall we say, contentious neighbors. The only point on which they see eye-to-eye is their contempt for the upstart Zaffreans with whom they share their eastern borders....[click here for more] | Irrational Number Line Games, LLC | $0.99
The Phoenix Magazine was a house publication by SimPubs/SPI directed towards the wargamers of the United Kingdom. It covered SPI titles and other subjects related to wargaming and military history. The publication began in June 1976 and lasted for 36 issues, ceasing publication in March 1982. In this issue, dated August 1976, the contents consist of: Issue 2 ...[click here for more] | Past Into Print | $0.99
"....Ouest Sauvage – Colt Maudit follows fun and single game rules, merging historical content along with RGP gaming while depicting real life characters in the form of figurines..." VaeVictis N°103 Game fundamentals Ouest sauvage Colt maudit lets you take control over 1.20 inches high figurines (28-30mm)...[click here for more] | Ouest Sauvage | $18.45
A Matomaton military maps, charts and images collection for wargamers. Twenty-seven maps illustrating the campaigns in Egypt in the late 1800s. These are scans of contemporary (or near-contemporary) maps and charts representing the locations, plans and outcome of key battles, campaigns and wars in the stated area. Details This collection is provided in one...[click here for more] | Matomaton | $4.99
This special bundle product contains the following titles. Stations Manned and Ready - 2nd Edition - Battle of Chemulpo Regular price: $3.04 Bundle price: $1.21 Format: Watermarked PDF A Scenario set for the Battle of Chemulpo, 9th February 1904 Listing updated 31 March 2019 Russo-Japanese War EDITION 1.1 This set provides the necessary ship data sheets...[click here for more] | A and A Games |
This special bundle product contains the following titles. Stukas over Malta Regular price: $1.15 Bundle price: $0.46 Format: Watermarked PDF The fifth Scenario of the new game The propeller rotates and the engine roars simulating the actions of the Italian Royal Air Force (la Regia Aeronautica) during the II World War. This Volume is again about the air battles...[click here for more] | Lumaca Games |
Battles of Plum Point Bend and Memphis Battle Pack The attached battle pack expansion covers the intense Battles of Plum Point Bend and Memphis in 1862. Inside you will find: History & Maps of the Battles (8pgs)2x Historical Scenarios (one each for Plum Point Bend and Memphis)1x General Play Mission (inspired by the battles)21x Ship Cards (covering all of the major ships in...[click here for more] | Scary Biscuits Studios | $10.00
Dawn of Iron: Battle of CherbourgBattle Pack The attached battle pack expansion covers the famous duel between the USS Kearsarge and CSS Alabama at the Battle of Cherbourg in 1864. Inside you will find: History & Maps of the Battle (3pgs)1x Historical Scenario1x General Play Mission (inspired by the battle)4x Ship Cards (Including the CSS Alambama and her predacesor CSS...[click here for more] | Scary Biscuits Studios | $7.00
Dawn of Iron: Battle of Albemarle Sound Battle Pack The attached battle pack expansion covers the successful career of the CSS Albemarle in North Carolinian waters in 1864. The history and ships include both the battles of Plymouth and the Albemarle Sound, where the rebel ram acquitted herself well against the valiant, but vulnerable, Union blockade vessels. Inside you will find:...[click here for more] | Scary Biscuits Studios |
Dawn of Iron: Robert Smalls & the USS Planter Battle Pack The attached battle pack expansion covers the amazing story of Robert Smalls and his daring bid for freedom in 1862. Inside you will find: History of the USS Planter and Robert Smalls (1pg)1x General Play Solitaire Mission inspired by the story of Robert Smalls (1pg)2x Ship Cards2x Fortification Cards1x New Upgrade...[click here for more] | Scary Biscuits Studios | FREE
Dawn of Iron: That Devil, the Arkansas Battle Pack The attached battle pack expansion covers the successful career of the CSS Arkansas on the waters of the Mississippi River in 1862. The history and ships includes both the first duel with the USS Carondelet and Tyler on the Old River, and the Arkansas' daring run past the Union fleet outside Vicksburg. Inside you will find: History...[click here for more] | Scary Biscuits Studios |
Dawn of Iron: Damn the Torpedoes! Battle of Mobile Bay Battle Pack This Dawn of Iron battle pack expansion covers Admiral Farragut's brilliantly successful assault on Mobile Bay, Alabama in August 1864. The history and ships include the battle, where Farragut's wooden ships and monitors clashed with the most powerful Confederate ironclad ram ever built, the CSS Tennessee. Inside...[click here for more] | Scary Biscuits Studios |
The Momentous Issue of War is a 8x8 grid-based tabletop game loosely based on the American Civil War, and that takes about an hour to play. The game is easy to learn and has a great amount of tactical depth, high-stakes decisions and dramatic narrative beats for players to enjoy.Visually inspired by the traditional Kriegsspiel games, players use blocks to represent units with individual abilities,...[click here for more] | Wicked Wargames |
This special bundle product contains the following titles. General Purpose Skirmish Rules Regular price: $2.13 Bundle price: $1.47 Format: PDF A set of simple rules for skirmish games with about 5-10 figures/player can be used in pretty much any era including fantasy and science fiction. Ideal for multi player games where everyone has a different objective.......[click here for more] | Terry Catton |
Dawn of Iron: Battle of Wassaw Sound Battle Pack The attached battle pack expansion covers the short career of the CSS Atlanta in Georgian waters in 1863. The history and ships include the Battle of Wassaw Sound, where the rebel ram faced off against the powerful monitors, USS Weehawken and Nahant. Inside you will find: History & Maps of the Battle (5pgs)1x Historical Scenario1x...[click here for more] | Scary Biscuits Studios |
Dawn of Iron: War of the Pacific (1879-1884) This Dawn of Iron battle pack expansion takes you just beyond the American Civil War into a historically adjacent conflict in South America involving ironclads and wooden ships. The War of the Pacific primarily involved Peru and Chile as they battled for naval supremacy over valuable guano/nitrate reserves along...[click here for more] | Scary Biscuits Studios |
Dawn of Iron: Battle of Trent's Reach Battle Pack The attached battle pack expansion covers the last great clash of ironclads during the American Civil War at Trent's Reach in late January 1865. The history and ships include the Battle of Trent's Reach, where the most powerful Confederate ironclad fleet ever assembeled faced off against Union fortifications and hard-hitting monitor,...[click here for more] | Scary Biscuits Studios |
Dawn of Iron: Battle of Charleston Harbor Battle Pack This Dawn of Iron battle pack expansion covers Admiral Samuel Du Pont's ironclad attack on Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina on 7 April 1863. The might of the Union ironclad fleet will be tested against the earth and brick fortifications of a determined Confederate foe. Which will triumph? Inside you will find:...[click here for more] | Scary Biscuits Studios |
Dawn of Iron: Charleston's Strange Fish Mini-Battle Pack The attached battle pack expansion covers the the several stange vessels fielded by Union and Confederate forces as they grapled with the difficulties of the blockade. For the Confederates, you will find a history of the David-class torpedo boats as well as the famous HL Hunlry, the first submbarine that sunk an enemy vessel...[click here for more] | Scary Biscuits Studios | Pay What You Want
Dawn of Iron:Battles of Forts Henry and Donelson Battle Pack This Dawn of Iron battle pack expansion covers the naval aspect of Brigadier General Ulysses S Grant's campaign against Forts Henry and Donelson in February 1862. This would be the first test of Flag Officer Andrew Foote's new ironclad squadron of City-class gunboats. The history and ships included cover the battle, the...[click here for more] | Scary Biscuits Studios |
Dawn of Iron: Battles of New Orleans Battle Pack This Dawn of Iron battle pack expansion covers the battles fought near and for New Orleans, Louisiana. This includes the historic engagement at the Head of Passes where the first ironclad, CSS Manassas, saw action in October 1861 and Captain David Farragut's bold charge past Forts St. Philip and Jackson in April 1862. The fate of...[click here for more] | Scary Biscuits Studios |
Dawn of Iron: Battle of Drewry's Bluff Battle Pack The attached battle pack expansion covers the Union dash up the James River during General George McClellan's Peninsula Campaign of 1862. The history and ships include the Battle of Drewry's Bluff, where the Union's most adanced ironclads found their limits against well fortified and determined Confederate batteries. Inside you will...[click here for more] | Scary Biscuits Studios |
Dawn of Iron: USS Choctaw Ship Pack The attached ship pack expansion adds the USS Choctaw to your Dawn of Iron ACW battlefields. This small expansion is packed with the history of this unusual ship's construction and combat service during the war. Inside you will find: History of the USS Choctaw (3pgs)1x Ship Cards (Contains formats for A4 and US Letter paper sizes.)3x New Upgrade...[click here for more] | Scary Biscuits Studios |
Dawn of Iron: Skirmish at Davis Bend & The Ironclads of Joseph Brown - Battle Pack The attached battle pack expansion covers the ordeal of the USS Indianola at Davis Bend in February 1863. The history and ships include the skirmish at Davis Bend, where the federal ironclad faced off against rebel rams, CSS Queen of the West and the CSS Webb. Inside you...[click here for more] | Scary Biscuits Studios |
Get ready for an exciting upgrade to the gamebook "Bite the bullet". This expansion brings a whole new level of game experience: - 7 New scenarios (including one on 2 game maps) - 8 New characters - Enlarged game maps for all scenarios (ideal for multiplayer games and playing with miniatures) Important: These PDF files are the full version of the expansion, volume 2. This is not a stand-alone...[click here for more] | All Alone Games |
All 8 scenarios and all sheets to cut (character sheets, counters, ...) from the book "Bite the bullet - You are a legend" - Volume 1. It's mainly for players who own the paperback gamebook, but don't want to cut pages out of their book to play the game. Important:it's not a complete gamebook. You need a paperback copy of Volume 1, which you can order via Amazon,to...[click here for more] | All Alone Games | $5.00
This PDF file contains all scenario maps, enlarged maps, character sheets and counters of volume 2, the expansion.Important:It's not the complete gamebook. The scenario descriptions are not included. It's mainly for players who own the paperback gamebook, but don't want to cut pages out of it. If you prefer a complete expansion, you can acquire it as a paperback (on Amazon) or...[click here for more] | All Alone Games | $5.00
This PDF file contains the complete version of the paperbook "Bite the bullet - You are a legend" - volume 1. It's mainly for players who want a complete game without having to cut pages out of a book. There exists also an expansion, volume 2. ...[click here for more] | All Alone Games | $15.00
Dawn of Iron:The Timberclads Battle Pack This Dawn of Iron battle pack expansion digs into the history and battles of the famous Timberclad vessels of the US Navy duringt he early months of the war. The history and ships included cover the history pf the three timberclads, USS Tyler, Conestoga, and lexington, as well as digging into a bit of the controversy about how to identify...[click here for more] | Scary Biscuits Studios |
Dawn of Iron: Battle of Port Royal Sound Battle Pack This Dawn of Iron battle pack expansion covers the pivotable battle of Port Royal Sound fought in South Carolina in November 1861. By the end of 1861, things were looking grim for the North as the Union blockade struggled to contain the Confederacy at sea. What they needed was a safe harbor, like Port Royal Sound to resupply their...[click here for more] | Scary Biscuits Studios |
A PUROS PINCHES BALAZOS! Step into the untamed Wild West with Armas Salvajes, a fast-paced, action-packed skirmish game designed for quick and deadly shootouts. In this game, players control gunslingers, bandits, and lawmen, facing off in a battle to be the last one standing. Armas Salvajes is a simple yet strategic wargame that uses a standard deck of playing...[click here for more] | Crushpop Productions | $0.99
Dawn of Iron: Battles of Galveston & Sabine Pass Battle Pack This Dawn of Iron battle pack expansion covers the battles to control the Texan coastline at Galveston and Sabine Pass in 1863. Texas was one of the Confederacy's main links to the outside world through which they could export cotton and import arms and supplies through the Texas-Mexico border and port cities...[click here for more] | Scary Biscuits Studios |
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